What Sets us Apart

Understanding that genius is reflected not only in academics but also in the arts as well as in sports, MIT-Vishwajyoti International School takes a novel approach by understanding the core capabilities and inclinations of each student and then placing them in an academic, artistic and sports division where emphasis is laid on the strength of each child and their aspirations.

Academics Done Right

Consequently, academics, under our Vishwajyoti Academic Wing, will be a nuanced section dedicated to discovering the next physicist, mathematician, economist and theorist from among the children who show an aptitude for it. Our carefully taught curriculum, our extraordinarily talented and gifted faculty and our state of the art facilities will ensure that the children under our charge will have all resources at their disposal to become masters in any academic field of their choosing. 

In addition, MIT-Vishwajyoti International School will start preparing its students for competitive examinations to post their 10th grade from the 8th standard itself, ensuring that success in competitive exams occurs with the least amount of stress and delivers the very best results for our students. We will also be training our students to face competitive exams post their 12th such as NEET, JEE and LAW entrance exams so that the student does not have to take tuitions beyond their school hours. 

The Race To Prosperity

Our Vishwajyoti Sports Wing is equipped with an Olympic size swimming pool, a 25-feet diving pool, an all-purpose athletic field, tennis court, basketball court, badminton court, table tennis court, a billiards room and even a horse riding school. If your child shows an aptitude for sports, no matter how selective the sporting activity, it is the promise of MIT-Vishwajyoti International School that we will develop their talent and take them to the very heights of their ability. 

The World Is Your Canvas

Similarly, our Vishwajyoti Art Wing will endeavour to teach writing, dance, music, art in all their varied forms to the artistically gifted students that we have. Talent in the arts is as important as any other field, and we endeavour to create artists who are professionals who will actively enhance the prestige of their nation and their own families when they are free to soar to the very heights of their artistic expression. MIT-Vishwajyoti International School supports all facets of the arts, and we are proud to state that we are one of the very few schools that will take courses in Indian traditional art forms as well as more contemporary art forms. Similarly, for those students committed to excelling in academic arts, we recognize the importance of support in their studies, which is why engaging with a ghostwriter-oesterreich.at can be crucial in helping them achieve high-quality academic works.


Tradition Is Our Inspiration

To improve the concentration, coordination and analytical ability of our students, we will endeavour to draw upon ancient Yogic techniques to align the body, mind and spirit of our students and translate it all into the very best result each individual student can achieve. Understanding that early morning serves as the best time to learn as retention and concentration are at their maximum, MIT-Vishwajyoti International School Mumbai will start very early in the mornings. To offset the early timing, our students and indeed faculty, we offer power naps in specially designed rooms to rejuvenate and revive retention and concentration abilities to further maximise learning ability.   

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